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The perpetrators of the bombing of the AMIA attack have not been brought to justice - instead they have been rewarded, appeased and welcomed into the community of nations. The individual widely believed to have planned the attack is now the Interior Minister of Iran and another suspected perpetrator, Mohsen Rozai, is the Islamic Republic's Vice President of Economic Affairs and travels the globe with inpunity.

The Aftermath of the bombing of the AMIA building in Buenos Aires, Argentina, killing 85 people and injuring over 300 whose family, friends and neighbors continue to cry out for justice.

28 years ago today - On July 18, 1994, - officials at the highest level of the Iranian government ordered a terror attack of horrific proportions which was executed by its terrorists surrogate Hezbollah. A bomb-laden van was driven into the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA; transl. "Argentine Israelite Mutual Association") in Buenos Aires, Argentina killing 85 people and injuring over 300.

The victims were young and old - rich and poor - of many different vocations and backgrounds. The youngest, Sebastián Barreiros, was just 5 years old.

Not only have the perpetrators of this horrific attack not been brought to justice -- but they have been rewarded, appeased and emboldened.

To this day the Iranian government and its terrorist surrogates continue to plan and commit acts of terror around the globe without concern that they will be held to account. The Biden Administration and the European Union turn a blind eye to this attack - and to all of the regime's numerous and well documented atrocities - eager to enrich it and unwilling to wage a credible counter to the mullah's ever so dangerous nuclear aspirations.

Ahmad Vahidi, who led the Quds, the powerful paramilitary arm of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, at the time of the attack was named Iran’s interior minister by its controversial President Raisi, an appointment ratified by the Iranian Parliament. Since 2007, Vahidi has been the subject of an Interpol red alert at the request of Argentine courts, which suspect him of being in charge of planning the AMIA bombing while forming part of Quds intelligence operating overseas.

Similarly, Iran's current Vice President of Economic Affairs Mohsen Rezai, former commander-in-chief of the Iran Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), has been on the Interpol wanted list since 2007 for his suspected role in the bombing yet today he travels in countries throughout the globe with inpunity.

Since the AMIA attack Iran and its proxies have been involved in dozens of planned and actualized terror attacks around the world, including planned large scale bombings in Washington, DC and Paris. France. A United States federal district court has also documented that Iran played a "direct and material" role in assisting the hijackers in connection with the 9/11 attack on the American homeland.

On July 18, 2012 - 18 years to the day of the AMIA bombing - Iran's proxy Hezbollah committed a deadly bus bomb attack on Israeli tourists at Bulgaria's Burgas airport killing 5 young people, including a pregnant woman, and injuring over 35.

Just last week numerous Iranian terror attacks were thwarted in Turkey.

We must continue to speak up for the victims of Iran's terror.

We must speak because the attack on them was an attack on all of us - on our common humanity - on our moral fiber.

We must speak because this monstrous injustice endangers all of us.

We must speak until every citizen in the United States and Europe understands that those in power are unable to protect us - physically or spiritually - and lack the moral clarity and strength to rise to our generation's calling.

We must speak because the institutions which we must respect have become corrupt and putrid.

At this time please join us in a moment of silence for the victims of the AMIA bombing. May their memories be a blessing.

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